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It's Almost Time to Hit the Pool!

We are excited for the 2024 season!    

Are you ready to swim with the STARS for the 2024 season?  We're welcoming back Coach Rose and we are looking forward to our best season yet!    

Start the registration process by clicking the link above.  If you are a returning swimmer, don't forget to login first; we'll be able to autofill most of your information. 

If you are registering a swimmer that will be swimming long course with a Club team, please contact us BEFORE you register at the team email: [email protected] for additional instructions.

Questions about registration?  Contact us and we'll get back to you as quick as we can!


STARS Registration Fees

Open Registration (All Families): March 8th until capacity

Residents: $180 first child, $160 for the second child and $145 for all additional children.

Non Residents: $180 for first child, $160 for the second child and $145 for all additional children, plus $35 non resident fee per family

Swimmers ages 15-18 are discounted to $50.

*Registration fees include one team tshirt, one latex STARS practice swim cap, one end of year swimmer award, and admission to the End of the Year party.

Kickboard Note:

Parents are required to purchase their own kickboard for their swimmers. Kickboards can be found on amazon, swimoutlet.com, D&J sports, etc. and cost about $12. Kickboards are required for practice and should be competitive swimming kickboards.

The STARS are looking forward to swimming our 11th year in the Long Meadow Farms community and 5th year as part of the West Houston Aquatic League (WHALe)


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